Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Blended Bulletin, Issue 16

Cool Tools

This week, I've suggested two YouTube channels that work as great teaching tools. While acknowledging the issues we have with YouTube access, there are many fantastic YouTube channels to which you can subscribe. Rather than searching for and curating individual videos, channels provide some consistency in instruction and are usually regularly updated. You and your students will be engaged by some of the YouTube "celebrities" featured on channels, like the ones suggested below.

Veritasium is a YouTube channel featuring scientific experiments and demonstrations. What I like about this channel is that the creator relies on the knowledge of the masses for hypotheses and explanations of his experiments. He updates weekly and encourages interaction through live links embedded in his videos, discussion in the comments section, and asking viewers to send in their own videos to him. Here's a sample:

CrashCourse is a wildly popular YouTube channel created by John and Hank Greene. John Greene is the author of well-known young adult novels like The Fault in Our Stars and Papertowns and Hank is his YouTube celebrity brother. The two together form and entertaining and intellectually challenging duo who celebrate being nerdy about all sorts of subjects. CrashCourse features videos that explain complex topics in different subject areas through the use of humor, pop culture references, and talking really fast. Here's a sample:

Professional Learning

Deeper Teaching is a white paper uses the example of two Algebra teachers teaching the same concept in different ways to make the case for student-centered approaches.

May the Forecast Be With You attempts to draw parallels between the future of education and the long time ago galaxy of Star Wars.

For some local flavor, watch the video Hartford Boundless to learn about a new partnership between Hartford Public Schools and the Hartford Public Library to help make learning happen anytime, anywhere.

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