Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Blended Bulletin, Issue 20

Blended Brags

Kim Childress used a station rotation model in her recent lesson on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Students rotated between three stations. At the first station, students read and discussed with the teacher the "I Have a Dream" speech. At the second station, students collaborated to create a timeline of important events in Dr. King's life and discuss key events. At the third station, students independently listened to Dr. King speak in a video, and then demonstrated their understanding of his message in an Edmodo quiz. Well done!

Cool Tools

With Math, I Can is a collection of resources and an advocacy site that hopes to address the problem of students declaring at a young age, "I can't do math." Several groups have joined together with Amazon to apply Growth Mindset to mathematics instruction.

The Blended Learning Universe (BLU) is finally back up and running! The new site has an improved search engine to connect users with blended learning schools, and even lets schools create profiles to detail their blended learning experiences. The Christensen Institute, the creators of the site, are billing it as the social network of blended learning schools.

Rewordify is a free site that many teachers are already using, but one that more of you will be interested in. The site's purpose is to reword text passages and websites to allow for greater readability. It is really helpful for ELLs and students with lower reading abilities.

Limnu is an interactive and collaborative blackboard. Its simplicity makes it super user-friendly and fun to use.

Khan Academy has a whole course in College Financial Literacy that will help students understand their options for paying for college, as well as how to fill out applications for FAFSA, scholarships, and loans.

New updates for Google Forms make this app even better!

OneVote offers a collection of online tools and resources for the 2016 presidential election. And boy, if there were ever a chance to engage students with civics, this election seems to be it!

Professional Learning

If you are interested in becoming more familiar with Google Apps, you can earn an app as a Google Certified Educator in the process. Check out Google's new training page.

While we normally talk about what conditions need to be in place for students to experience deeper learning, The 4 conditions that support deeper learning discusses the conditions that need to be in place for teachers.

The Connecticut Association for School Librarians is hosting an "Unconference" in Danbury on April 2. Unconferences or Edcamps are opportunities for professional development that rely on the knowledge of the masses and respond to the needs of the people attending. The sessions are created organically by like-minded educators. Check out the flyer for this event. Thanks, Susan Johnston, for the suggestion!

CREC is also hosting an unconference/edcamp on March 12 in New Britain. More information can be found on this flyer. Thanks, Michelle Puhlick, for the info!

If anyone out there is on Pinterest (and I know you are!), you may know that this social media app has a TON of resources for teachers! Here is a link to some helpful resources in staying organized as you sift through teaching resources on Pinterest.

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