Thursday, February 18, 2016

JMA Math going Blended

After returning from the Hartford Public Schools District professional learning on Blended Learning, I applied a rigorous introductory lesson plan on surface area that contained Inquiry Based Learning, utilized three Station Rotations and had physical objects to work with and measure.

Upon reflection my initial feelings were mixed.  Students struggled with the idea of being more independent.  And from the perspective of order of the stations students who began at one station seemed more advantaged than another.  By the end of the lesson, students had not solidified their understanding of the surface area of 3 dimensional objects.

I had adequate evidence of their work and in subsequent classes they readily began to approach their work more independently and more conceptually.  I will continue the plan to make student centered learning a greater part of their experience.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your reflection, Kevin! One of the big challenges with station rotation is sequencing. I'm glad to hear about your efforts, and your thinking about planning going forward.
