Blended Brags
This kudos goes out to Danielle Knobloch who is already thinking about plans for next year! Danielle sees room for improvement in her blended classroom and plans to implement consistent structures for the beginning and end of class. She has specific plans in place to increase and improve student reflection in her classroom, asking questions about what students have learned, and also how students have learned. Awesome work!
Cool Tools
Amazon Whispercast is a freemium tool that connects teachers with a large library of eBooks (some free, some not) that can be digitally distributed to a class. Teachers can also upload their own content for easy distribution. Thanks for the suggestion, Laura Pels!
Here's an interesting take on summer reading. Newsela has unveiled Camp Newsela. Through this web tool, students can join a club (i.e., Strong-of-Stomach Club) and be assigned articles to read over a 2 week time span. When the club achieves its reading goal, students will have the chance to donate to DonorsChoose projects.
Professional Learning
Without clear communication, learning movements like project-based learning and makerspaces can be scary to parents in low-income communities. Why the Language We Use About Learning Determines Inclusivity discusses how to make deeper learning stick and be successful for all stakeholders.
In The Personalized Learning Mindset, posits that personalized learning is not something you do or accomplish, but rather is a way of being. Check out the three proof points of someone with a PL Mindset.
Saying 'No' to the Slide: 20+ Summer Opportunities for Educators and Students offers lists of ideas for both students and teachers to continue learning over the summer. These lists have a distinct edtech flavor.
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