Saturday, August 15, 2015

Getting ready!!!

My objectives for this year, 

After doing my reading I am completely sure that I will continue working as I have been doing, the key difference now is the pace and time dedicated to my lesson plans and class development. 
The lab rotation model is most suitable for me since I am teaching a foreign language and all tools online are my allies.
I expect my students develop self-direction motivated by the different ways to achieve their goals. That is why I am sure the blended learning strategies will challenge them to use their skills in order to increase and improve their knowledge.  Some videos examples watched about Lab rotation model showed me that I could implement this step-by-step in my classroom.
 For example, while some students practice the listening or speaking ability in the computer lab, some others have face-to-face instruction in the next room.
Setting up lab rotation model of blended learning will challenge my students to achieve new ways about solving problems and going through topics complexity.

I will be very persistent with the culture of blended learning classroom during this year. My students already know how to work with some tools online; however, I will have them reinforce their practice every class to create the culture of this knew way of learning.

 Since I started my work at Bulkeley high I have used mainly this platform

It has variety of activities to engage student’s self-learning activity. It takes time at beginning of the year to set up emails (I use email from the school) and passwords, but then the work just flows.  

Getting ready for this challenging but rewarding New Year!

Here are some platforms to create lessons plans and activities for our students:

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