Monday, August 17, 2015


After researching guidance counseling programs that educated their students through blended learning, I quickly realized there was not much information. I questioned how I could implement blended learning as a school counselor. Once I met with Paul to go over what the guidance department’s implementation plan could look like, I became confident about educating my students through blended learning. In the future I would love to see students have more ownership over their SSP’s and college/career documents. Students will have access to video lessons that will walk each student through creating a resume, completing the common application, etc. By students owning their important documents, meeting times with each student will be more efficient. Meeting times will consist of helping students with what they have completed rather than teaching.

I believe some students may be hesitant about the blended learning experience, but overtime, I think students will realize how much more they have access to. Most documents will be available online and they will have instant access to it. There will be no more lost documents because everything will be online. Students will develop a greater independence and become more comfortable communicating through technology.

In order for this to be successful I will need access to google classroom. This will allow me to upload each student's transcript and make all documents in the guidance department digital. Scholarships will be available to students and updated each day through google classroom. To measure the success of this project, college enrollment data will be reviewed and compared from the previous year. The guidance department will track student applications submitted to colleges and scholarships. I strongly believe educating students through blended learning will increase the school’s college enrollment data and application submissions.

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