Friday, August 14, 2015


So I'm going to pretend that this post is for all of you, but please know that this is 1000% for me alone, and it will serve as a table of contents of sorts for my future forays into Blended Learning.
That said, if any of you find any worth in what I post, I suppose that's not the worst thing in the world.

How to Implement a Station Rotation Blended Learning Model
This is a pretty straightforward information guide including what to include, how to include it, what a classroom using station rotation looks like, and what the mission and learning goals should be. This is a good tool if you are at the beginning of the implementation process.

Tech Tools of the Flipped Classroom
This resource gives a straightforward breakdown of what a flipped classroom should have, and the best way to go about using it. This includes information like how to create, host, and interact using videos, among other things.

10 Teacher-Tested Tools for Flipping Your Classroom
This site has tools that teachers have used successfully in the flipped classroom model. It features three iPad/iPhone apps, and seven cloud/desktop apps. Although BHS students may not have access to iPad's or iPhones through school, they may have them on their own, so they can take advantage of both.

8 Great Free Flipped Classroom Resources
Similar to the above resource, this provides teachers with free tools useful for flipped classrooms. Some are more universal (Edmodo), but some I did not know about until this research (Tackk)

Five-Minute Film Festival: The Basics of Blended Learning
While this is more of an overall show of what blended learning is, it is still valuable, and it contains many useful tools and guides to the implementation of this type of learning in the classroom.

Well, that's what I've got for now, but because of my new found appreciation for and knowledge of Blogspot, I know that this is absolutely a fluid document, that I can and will edit when I come up with more tools.

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